A Guide to Passwords | Prescott, AZ

Creating and re-creating every password for every website we regularly interact with seems like a monumental and tedious task. The everyday person doesn’t want to add “change passwords” to their to-do list when the dangers of hacking seem far from them. Unfortunately once a hack into your files occurs, things can move fast, potentially resulting in a loss of your identity.

Here are some things to know about passwords:

Complexity – We hear all the time that this is the most difficult part of password creation. A mix of letters, symbols and capitols all mixed together in 18 characters. Yet, when it comes to your security, it matters. Long, random combinations help keep hackers at bay.

No Similarities – Please never use personal information such as important numbers, birthdays or names In your passwords. It’s easy for hackers to find this information out, and attempt to break into your accounts that way.

New Platform, Different Password – It’s good practice to not repeat passwords across multiple websites, as it tips hackers off to patterns.

Switch them Out – Yes, you should switch out your passwords. Ideally, once a quarter, or four times a year.

It’s important to keep these tips in mind so you don’t become a target for online hacking. In today’s world anything is possible online.

If you are worried you won’t be able to remember all these passwords, you aren’t alone. There are several password manager options that encrypt your passwords from hackers while keeping them all in one place.

If you want to learn more about password security or advice on the creation of strong passwords, visit us online at urns.net or call us at 951.737.8558 today!

Is Your System Vulnerable to Getting Hacked? | Prescott, AZ

In the digital age, online hackers have figured out how to access just about anything – that includes your computer system. Just about everyone has heard of the term “virus” – malware that impacts your computer system or mobile device. While it is uncommon, there are different types of malware that one might encounter and we want you to be prepared.

Adware: A dangerous and profitable malware, Adware works by automatically downloading or displaying advertisements upon use.

Spyware: This malware type tracks your internet activity to “learn” what adware to target your system with.

Worms: A malware “worm” software works to replicate itself for the purpose of deleting data files on your system until it’s empty.

Trojan Horse: Arguably the most dangerous malware, a Trojan Horse is designed to discover financial information and take over your computer system’s resources.

Ransomware: Ransomware works as it sounds – it will lock you out of your computer until you pay for “cybercrimes” as retribution.

Of course, the best way to protect your information and circumvent potential malware-related issues is to secure your system. If you’re unsure what protections your devices feature, would like to set up security measures, or are experiencing malware issues, call the experts at Up and Running today!

For more information about malware and how to protect yourself against it, give us a call today at 951.737.8558 or visit us online at www.urcs.net today. Up and Running Computer Solutions is proud to serve Prescott and surrounding areas.

Keep Yourself Secure from Hackers | Corona, CA

Data Breach

During this election season, you hear all about other countries hacking our elections and trying to rig it every which way. It has all of us on edge, because even our social media accounts can get compromised. Since October 2004, the National Cyber Security Division within the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Alliance has sponsored National Cyber Security Awareness Month.

National Cyber Security Awareness Month is focused on encouraging individuals to be cautious and to use protection while accessing the internet. Let’s face it – the internet impacts our lives on a daily basis. We use the internet to connect with family and friends, to handle business and banking online and rely on it for many other services, like electricity and even transportation, which are supported by online systems. Technology has prompted advancements in life as we know it.

And while technology does help our lives, it also makes us more vulnerable to risks of theft, fraud and abuse. No one is immune to cyber risks at this point. As individuals, cybersecurity risks can threaten our identities, finances and privacy. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep yourself, your assets and personal information safe online:

  • Create strong passwords and do not share them with anyone.
  • Keep operating system, browser and other critical software’s up to date by installing updates.
  • Raise awareness by talking openly with your family, friends and community about internet safety.
  • Limit the amount of personal information you share online and use privacy setting to avoid sharing information widely
  • Be very cautious about what you receive or read online.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at www.urcs.net.

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Corona and all surrounding areas.

Staying Virus-Free | Corona, CA

Now that we have been quarantined to our homes, we are using the internet more than ever in order to keep ourselves entertained. Coronavirus has taken over our lives, but there is one more virus we need to keep in mind – the computer virus. Because we are going to be using the internet for things like searching for information, work, shopping, schoolwork and even banking, it is important that we prevent our computers vulnerable to hackers with the personal information held in there. Here are a few tips to lower your risk of contracting a virus:

Anti-virus software. Having an anti-virus program installed is a great benefit for your computer. The ant-virus programs scan for viruses that try to get into your emails, operating system or files. Make sure your anti-virus is set to update automatically for the most protection.

Install a firewall. Firewalls can help alert you of any suspicious activity, while also blocking viruses, hackers or worms from attempting to download malicious programs onto your computer. Some systems have a built-in firewall but are usually shipped in “off” mode, so be sure to turn your firewall on. Make sure to keep your firewall updated regularly.

Pop-up blocker. Avoid clicking on pop-up ads by using a pop-up blocker. Most pop-ups are created by advertisers, but they may contain a harmful or unsafe code.

Use spam filters. Emails can contain computer viruses, so before opening an email, make sure you’re receiving it from a known address or sender.

Strong passwords. Make sure to choose a strong password to protect yourself for potential hackers. Don’t choose something simple as your password; some hackers have a program that can try every single word in the dictionary.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at www.urcs.net.

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Corona and all surrounding areas.

Is It Malware or a Virus? | Corona, CA

headache over computer problems

In a world where it seems everything is getting hacked, it is easy to panic when something goes wrong with your computer equipment. The slightest glitch or stall and we are thinking the worst. And when we think of the worst thing that can happen to this equipment, we will generally think about computer viruses. Yes, the evil computer virus is the original enemy of the typical computer user, and in this day and age, it is impossible to not use some type of computer in our daily lives.

Then you hear about malware and a whole new set of questions and concerns come to mind. Let’s break it down – a virus is just one kind of malware, but the actual term is largely used by the public and the only way to protect yourself is to have some type of an anti-virus. The following are various types of malware designed to infect your computer or mobile device:

Adware. Adware is the least dangerous and most profitable malware. It displays ads on your computer.

Spyware. This software spies on you by tracking your internet activity in order to send adware back to your machine.

Worms. A worm replicates itself and destroys data and files on your computer until the drive is completely empty.

Trojan horse. One of the most dangerous malwares, Trojans are designed to discover your financial information and take over your computer’s system resources.

Ransomware. If you see a screen that warns you that you have been locked out of your computer until you pay for your “cybercrimes”, you have ransomware.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with malware protection at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at www.urcs.net.

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serve Corona and all surrounding areas.

Secure Your Cyber Fortress | Corona, CA

Data BreachWithin the Department of Homeland Security lies the National Cyber Security Division. Every October they team up with the National Security Alliance to sponsor National Cyber Security Awareness Month, every October to focus on encouraging individuals to be cautious and to use protection while accessing the internet.

Seems every time we blink there is a new story about someone getting hacked or their identity stolen. And since we use the internet to connect with family and friends, to handle business and other services supported by online systems. Technology has prompted advancements in business, healthcare, music, government and many other industries. Unfortunately, as things become easier, they are also more prone to tampering. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep yourself, your assets and personal information safe online. So, in honor of National Cyber Security Month, take a look at your current online presence. If you find you could be too exposed, follow these helpful tips. They can not only help you to stay safe from identity theft and other account tampering, but it can also protect your family and friends:

  • Create strong passwords and keep them private by downloading apps and other resources available to protect your passwords from being stolen
  • Keep operating system, browser and other critical software up-to-date
  • Limit the amount of personal information you share online and use privacy setting to avoid sharing information widely
  • Be very cautious about what you receive or read online – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your backup equipment at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at www.urcs.net.

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serve Corona and all surrounding areas.

Having Computer Problems? You Aren’t Alone | Corona, CA

headache over computer problems

In this day and age, having some type of computer is necessary. Whether it be a desktop, a laptop or a tablet, we all have some way to connect to the information superhighway. Otherwise, kit feels like we are out of touch. Unfortunately, like everything else, that computer will eventually have problems. These problems could be big and complicated or small and simple to fix. It’s especially a problem if you don’t know as much about computers as you would like. The good thing is, if you have little computer knowledge or don’t have the time to learn, a computer repair company can help get you back on your proverbial feet. But while you wait to get your computer looked at, here are five common computer problems and what is going on internally:

Malicious software. Otherwise known as viruses, spyware, adware, etc. Either way you look at it, all versions can harm your computer and attain access to your private information.

Computer won’t turn on. One of the more basic of issues, power issues could be due to a loose cord or a power supply that has gone bad.

Slow computer. All deleted files and applications are still on your computer taking up space and need to be cleaned up. Low hard drive space and not enough RAM can also cause your computer to be slow.

Blue screen of death. This happens when your computer freezes, resulting in a blue screen with an error message. This could be many things – overheating, hard drive failing, or buggy software.

Noisy computer. A fan, or your entire hard drive could be going out. Back up your files immediately so you don’t lose anything in the process.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with managed IT services at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at www.urcs.net.

What Is The Difference Between Malware and Viruses? | Corona, CA

Data Breach

It’s very important to know the difference between malware and viruses. A virus is just one kind of malware, but the actual term is largely used by the public. The term “malware” refers to any type of malicious software that’s designed to infect your computer or mobile device, including a computer virus.

What is Malware?

Malware is a software that’s designed to specifically hard and infect host systems. This includes viruses along with other kinds of malicious software such as Trojans, worms, spyware and adware. Ransomware is also another type of malware that’s used to commit financial fraud and extort money from those that use computers.

Common Malware:

  • Virus- This is a contagious program that attaches itself to another piece of software, and then progresses to reproduce itself when the software is running. Viruses are often spread by sharing files or software between computers.
  • Adware- Adware is the least dangerous and most profitable malware. It displays ads on your computer.
  • Spyware- This is a software that spies on you by tracking your internet activity in order to send adware back to your machine.
  • Worms- This is a program that replicates itself and destroys data and files on your computer. Worms are designed to “eat” the system operating files and data till the drive is completely empty.
  • Trojan Horse- This is one of the most dangerous Malwares. Torjans are designed to discover your financial information and take over your computers system resources.
  • Ransomware- If you see a screen that warns you that you have been locked out of your computer until you pay for your “cybercrimes”, you have ransomware. Even if you do pay to unlock your system, you are not free from of it locking you out again. The request for money is usually in the thousands.

In order for you to protect your devices from the malware mentioned above, you must use an effective anti-virus. If you suspect that your computer is infected with malware, contact Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA at 951-737-8558 today. We can repair your computer and get you back up and running! To learn more about our company or to put in a service request visit our website at www.urcs.net.

Tips to Avoid Viruses this Halloween | Corona

Data Breach

Halloween is one of the most celebrated holidays, and cybercriminals want to be a part of the fun. As Halloween approaches, many hackers take advantage of popular Hollywood titles to spread computer viruses. For example, Google and other search engine results with keywords that are related to popular topics that are used to trick users into clicking on the malicious link.

Another popular form of spreading computer viruses is through spam. Hackers used typically Halloween characters to trick users and lead to where they want. This way, in addition to getting your personal information, hackers will redirect you to other websites selling prohibited products. We must educate ourselves and must be aware that hackers will try to deceive us with practical jokes. However, these practical jokes introduce malware to our equipment which will lead to a huge headache. The following includes a few tips on how you can avoid viruses this Halloween.

  1. Don’t open emails or messages that are received from social networks that come from an unknown source.
  2. Never click links that you get by email, unless you know it’s a reliable source.
  3. If you do click a link in an email, it’s important to look at the landing page. If you do not recognize it, close the browser.
  4. Never download attachments from unknown sources. During this holiday we must pay extra attention to files that come with Halloween related names.
  5.  If you don’t see anything out of the ordinary on a page but it’s requesting a download, do not accept.
  6. Never buy from online stores that don’t have a solid reputation. To be sure that your purchases are safe and secure, look for a security certificate, they’re typically located in the lower right corner.
  7. Don’t use shared computers to preform transitions that require you to enter a password or personal data.
  8. Be sure that you have an Anit-virus installed and updated.

If you think your computer many have a virus, contact Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA at 951-737-8558 today. We can repair your computer and get you back up and running! To learn more about our company or to put in a service request visit our website at www.urcs.net.

Is Your Computer Protected? | Corona, CA

Several people spend a good amount of time on their computers by going online for certain tasks or entertainment. Some of the things society use their computers for are searching for information, work, shopping, school work, social media, even banking. Doing such things may leave your computer vulnerable to hackers. Hackers are typically after personal information stored in your computer. Thankfully, keeping your computer protected from viruses and Trojans can be quiet easy, however, you must be on top of your computer’s security. The following includes a few tips on how you can reduce your risk of your computer contracting a virus or Trojan:

Use Anti-Virus Software. Installing an anti-virus program is a great benefit for your computer’s protection. An ant-virus program scans for viruses that attempt to get into your emails, operating system or files. Be sure the anti-virus is set to update automatically.

Install a Firewall. Firewalls are able help alert any suspicious activity on your computer, while also blocking viruses, hackers or worms from attempting to download malicious programs onto your computer. Some computers have a built-in firewall, however, they’re typically shipped in “off” mode, so be sure to turn the firewall on. Also, be sure to update your firewall on a regular basis.

Use a Pop-up Blocker- Avoid clicking on any pop-up ads by using a pop-up blocker. Many pop-ups are created by advertisers, but some may contain a harmful or unsafe programs that can damage your computer.

Do Not Open Unknown Emails- Emails can contain computer viruses so before opening an email, make sure you’re receiving it from a known address or sender.

Use a Strong Password- Be sure that you choose a strong password to protect yourself from potential hackers. Don’t choose something simple for your password; many hackers have a program that can try every single word in the dictionary in attempts to get into your system.

If you think your computer many have a virus, contact Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA at 951-737-8558 today. We can repair your computer and get you back up and running! To learn more about our company or to put in a service request visit our website at www.urcs.net.