Slow Computer|Corona, CA

In a day and age where waiting is an annoyance we are unwilling to deal with, having computer issues are a headache. Not only do we live on the internet, but even basic life functions have somehow integrated a computer into it. So, when we have a slow computer what can we do to speed things up?

There are several things that can contribute to your computer slowing down.

 Bugs in the operating system, failing hardware, or even static electricity from carpet can lead to computer glitches. But before taking your computer in for repair or buying a new PC all together, try some quick fixes first.

  • Uninstall unused programs. When buying a new computer, programs that have been pre-installed.
  • Delete temporary files. All your browsing history remains deep in your computer, and the same goes for when you install something. Make sure to get rid of all the clutter to free up space on your system.
  • Get more storage. If you have too much on your hard drive, it will affect the speed of your computer, especially if you use your computer for things such as recording media or video.
  • Stop unnecessary reboots. Every time you start up your PC, some programs automatically run in the background. Every application that is running will use your PCs memory and slow it down.
  • Clean it up. Dust gets sucked in by the cooling fan and can clog the airflow of the computer causing it to overheat and slow down.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer repair at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Norco, Riverside County, Orange County and all surrounding areas!

Is My Hard Drive Failing? | Computer Repair Corona, CA

The health of the hard drive in your computer is important to the vitality of the whole system. A failure can happen without warning or proper preparation, potentially resulting in the total loss of information.

The three main causes of a hard drive crash are because of a virus, mechanical failure, or electrical surge. None of these events are necessarily predictable, and without proper preparation, can be a disaster for your business.

Symptoms of deterioration for your hard drive are the following

            Whirling Noises. If it sounds like your computer is struggling to operate, that is a warning sign that the drive could be on the brink of burning out.

            Slow Loading. If your computer is not operating as efficiently as it once was, it may be because the hard drive is overwhelmed with files and needs to be cleaned out to avoid a crash.

            Aggressive Pop-Ups. Typically, unexpected or the new presence of pop-ups on your screen could mean that your hard drive has been compromised by a virus. Viruses are sent to your computer by a third party and could cause your system to crash.

While it is always good to be mindful of these warning signs, your hard drive is the life blood of your computer, and it needs to be maintained.

Our experienced professionals will evaluate the problem, run diagnostics and fix the gaps in your operating system, ensuring your data and operating system are secure. If it’s been a while since you have replaced your hard drive, or taken steps to avoid total loss in case of a crash, call the team at Up and Running Computer Solutions today.

To learn more about our services, and how we can help your system function efficiently, visit us online at or give us a call at 951.737.8558 today.

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Norco, Riverside County, Orange County and all surrounding areas!

Computer Maintenance | Computer Repair Corona, CA

Computer maintenance may seem like something that is best left to the experts. While you should seek advice and have your computer components cleaned by an IT professional, basic maintenance can be easier than you think. It’s also important; caring for your computer before things get out of hand goes a long way to the life of your computer.

One of the most important elements of care for our computers may seem like the most simple. It’s important not to eat or drink around your computer and to utilize a padded case whenever it is not being utilized. Over time, seemingly small things like crumbs or a bit of water along the edge of the computer on the desk amount to gunk between the keys. Keeping the components clean will help keep your computer running efficiently for as long as it may go.

External drives are a great investment for computer care. Our computers have limited storage and memory capacity, so when there is an abundance of files it starts to break things down. Transitioning older files or completed projects to an external drive will help keep the amount of files you computer has to track to a minimum. This allows it to become more efficient with other processes and ultimately keeps the hard drive from becoming overworked.

Another great way to continually maintain your computer is to allow for software updates. Updates patch holes in the system or bugs that outdated technology may leave behind. Rather than an inefficient necessity, updates should be viewed as part and parcel to the longevity of your system. Updates also allow your system to handle files sent from others whose computers could be on the latest version so you aren’t left out.

Properly shutting down you computer, putting it to sleep and keeping the brightness at an appropriate level for the lighting conditions also makes a difference. It helps maintain battery life and tells your computer when it can recover; rather than leaving it on all the time which ruins efficiency over time. We recommend charging your computer when it is off, rather than in use to help maintain the battery life.

For more information on computer maintenance and IT Managed Services for your business, call us at 951.737.8558 today! Visit our website at

Proudly serving Corona, Riverside, Norco, Riverside County, Orange County and all surrounding areas!

Reasons Your Company Should Prioritize Backup and Recovery | Prescott, AZ

Companies today rely so heavily on online usage, it is important to have a data backup and recovery plan for their most critical data. Why? Because humans make errors, computers crash, and accidents happen at the worst times.

Data loss can happen in many different ways and we shouldn’t live by the idea that we can wing it. The most common causes are an accidental error, employee or competitor theft, or physical failure to computers, but they can range into the even wilder, like natural disasters or a spilled cup of coffee. Here are six reasons why you must have data recovery for your company:

Technology fails. Just in the last year, we’ve seen massive changes in the technology that we use. Many businesses are now virtually paper-free and need to be stored electronically.

People are fallible. Let’s face it, we’re only human. Backing up your information is crucial in order to remedy any accidental mishaps.

Natural disasters. From tornados to wildfires, mother nature has wreaked havoc on company technology systems. It will be an issue if you don’t have a data backup and recovery plan in place after a natural disaster.

Competitive advantage. Businesses around the world have suffered huge losses and reputation damage after losing data.

Theft. Sadly, corporate theft is on the rise. If employees were fired or laid off, 20% said they would be more likely to take data due to the anger they’re experiencing and pass it off to a competitor.

The future is now. An online backup service allows you to and your employees to access your data whenever you like, from wherever you are to work remotely, collaborate, and ensure the integrity of that information.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Prescott, AZ for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Prescott and all surrounding areas.

Easy Computer Maintenance | Prescott, AZ

Computer maintenance may seem like something that is best left to the experts. While you should seek advice and have your computer components cleaned by an expert, basic maintenance can be easier than you think. It’s also important; caring for your computer before things get out of hand goes a long way to the life of your computer.

One of the most important elements of care for our computers may seem like the most simple. It’s important not to eat or drink around your computer and to utilize a padded case whenever it is not being utilized. Over time, seemingly small things like crumbs or a bit of water along the edge of the computer on the desk amount to gunk between the keys. Keeping the components clean will help keep your computer running efficiently for as long as it may go.

External drives are a great investment for computer care. Our computers have limited storage and memory capacity, so when there is an abundance of files it starts to break things down. Transitioning older files or completed projects to an external drive will help keep the amount of files you computer has to track to a minimum. This allows it to become more efficient with other processes and ultimately keeps the hard drive from becoming overworked.

Another great way to continually maintain your computer is to allow for software updates. Updates patch holes in the system or bugs that outdated technology may leave behind. Rather than an inefficient necessity, updates should be viewed as part and parcel to the longevity of your system. Updates also allow your system to handle files sent from others whose computers could be on the latest version so you aren’t left out.

Properly shutting down you computer, putting it to sleep and keeping the brightness at an appropriate level for the lighting conditions also makes a difference. It helps maintain battery life and tells your computer when it can recover; rather than leaving it on all the time which ruins efficiency over time. We recommend charging your computer when it is off, rather than in use to help maintain the battery life.

Want to learn more about computer maintenance? Visit us online at or call us at 951.737.8558 today!