The ABCs of Malware | Corona, CA

Virus Alert

In the day and age that revolves around the internet, it is important that we make sure to protect ourselves from anything that can affect our way to stay in touch online. That is why it is very important to know the difference between the things harming your computer. You may have heard of the term virus, but a virus is just the common term for a bigger threat – malware. The term “malware” refers to any type of malicious software that’s designed to infect your computer or mobile device, including a computer virus and is designed to specifically hard and infect host systems. Let’s break them all down:

Virus. This is a contagious program that attaches itself to another piece of software, and then progresses to reproduce itself when the software is running.

Adware. Adware is the least dangerous and most profitable malware. It displays ads on your computer.

Spyware. This is a software that spies on you by tracking your internet activity in order to send adware back to your machine.

Worms. This is a program that replicates itself and destroys data and files on your computer. Worms are designed to “eat” the system operating files and data till the drive is completely empty.

Trojan horse. The most dangerous, Trojans are designed to discover your financial information and take over your computers system resources.

Ransomware. If you see a screen that warns you that you have been locked out of your computer until you pay for your cybercrimes, you have ransomware. Even if you do pay to unlock your system, you are not free from of it locking you out again.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Prescott Valley and all surrounding areas.

Are You Cyber Secure? | Prescott, AZ

Data Breach

Everywhere we look, we can find a different way that the internet has affected our lives. Not only do we use it on a daily basis, but it is used to just make our day-to-day lives run smoothly. It’s in our purchases, our healthcare, our relationships, everything. But with the ease of life comes a backlash. We are now also vulnerable for theft, abuse and other issues relying on this electronic lifestyle. This has caused the National Cyber Security Division within the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Alliance to sponsor National Cyber Security Awareness Month, every October since 2004 to encourage individuals to be cautious and to use protection while accessing the internet.

As technology keeps evolving, our lives are becoming easier and more connected than ever. But don’t fall victim to any issues because you weren’t careful. Thankfully we are here for you. There are some steps you can take to keep yourself, your assets and personal information safe online. Here are a few tips all internet users can take advantages of, not only this month but also throughout the year:

  • Create strong passwords and do not share them with anyone
  • Keep operating system, browser and other critical software’s up to date by installing updates
  • Raise awareness by talking openly with your family, friends and community about Internet safety
  • Limit the amount of personal information you share online and use privacy setting to avoid sharing information widely
  • Be very cautious about what you receive or read online – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Prescott Valley and all surrounding areas.

Don’t Panic: Computer Issues Edition | Corona, CA

computer repair service

We can’t function these days without a computer. From shopping to social media, it seems everything we do has an online option. So, when our computers break down, there is always reason to panic. After all, how are we going to keep up with our timelines when our laptop is glitching? Don’t panic – there are things that can be done to fix your machine. But it is a good idea to know what is going on when a computer breaks, so we don’t fret and do something rash. So, here is a listing of the five more common issues your computer may face:

Computer won’t turn on. Nothing is more frightening than a computer that doesn’t turn on, and unfortunately it could be caused by number of things ranging from a loose cord, or a power supply going bad.

Slow computer. When you delete files and applications from your computer, they’re still on your computer taking up space. Low hard drive space or not enough RAM are also reasons your computer has slowed.

Odd noises. A dying fan or a failing hard drive can be a reason your computer may be making noise. A fan is an easy fix; you can back up your information from your hard drive before it fails, or with the use of a recovery software.

Overheating. Overheating can cause all sorts of computers problems caused by poor ventilation, dying fans or even excessive use of the computer.

Freezes. The “blue screen of death” is when your PC freezes in a blue screen with an error message caused by overheating, hard drive failure or a buggy software.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Prescott Valley and all surrounding areas.

Don’t Let It Be the Death of You | Prescott, AZ

It is something that anyone who works on a computer dreads the most. You’re busy working along when all of a sudden, your screen freezes. And you were in the proverbial zone that saving your work hadn’t happened for quite a while. Oh no! Did you lose all your work? More importantly, will it come back? There is literally nothing like the panic that washes over you when a computer screen freezes and all you see is a blue screen. Did you know that your ultimate computer dread has a name? It does. That blue screen with a list of computer instructions and information is called the Blue Screen of Death. This occurs when Windows crashes or locks. Apropos, isn’t it?

Despite what you think at the time, the reason for this Windows screen is to tell you the reason for the error and to calm you down. Seriously! The color blue has shown to have a calming effect on people, so the blue screen is used to prevent you from freaking out.

As you read the information shown, the error you experienced will be in all capital letters at the top. It will help you or a computer repair technician find the information you need to fix the problem. Also, Windows will take anything it’s holding in system memory and put it in a file and saves it on your hard drive. Calming your nerves yet?

The error and memory file will be researched to find the cause of the system stop and to help repair it. If you experience a Blue Screen of Death and aren’t sure how to fix it yourself, call a computer technician for help.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Prescott Valley and all surrounding areas.

Super SloMo: How to Fix It | Corona, CA

In a day and age where waiting is an annoyance we are unwilling to deal with, having computer issues are a headache we have zero time for. Not only do we live on the internet, but even basic life functions have somehow integrated a computer into it. So, when we have a slow-running machine, it almost feels like a reason to panic.

There are several things that can contribute to your computer slowing down. Bugs in the operating system, failing hardware, or even static electricity from carpet can lead to computer glitches. But before taking your computer in for repair or buying a new PC all together, try out these quick fixes to see it they can get your computer running a bit faster again:

Uninstall unused programs. When buying a new computer, programs that have been pre-installed. Uninstall any programs you don’t use.

Delete temporary files. All your browsing history remains deep in your computer, and the same goes for when you install something. Make sure to get rid of all the clutter to free up space on your system.

Get more storage. If you have too much on your hard drive, it will affect the speed of your computer, especially if you use your computer for things such as recording media or video.

Stop unnecessary reboots. Every time you start up your PC, some programs automatically run in the background. Every application that is running will use your PCs memory and slow it down.

Clean it up. Dust gets sucked in by the cooling fan and can clog the airflow of the computer causing it to overheat and slow down.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serve Corona and all surrounding areas.

Scrub-a-DubDub: Time to Clean Your Laptop | Corona, CA

computer consulting

We use our laptops constantly because they move along with us through our daily life and the convenience factor is tremendous. But have you noticed that your laptop has begun to feel dirty? Perhaps some keys stick a bit more than before. If this is the case, it may be time to give your laptop a bit of a spring cleaning in summer. Every computer needs to be cleaned, but because laptops are so convenient, laptops require a cleaning more frequently. And since we talked about cleaning our computer towers last month, let’s get to cleaning our laptops with these simple steps:

Before you start, make sure to power down your laptop and unplug it from the wall. If your laptop has a battery, make sure to remove that as well. The first area you should start cleaning is the lid and bottom of the laptop. Mix a couple drops of dishwasher detergent with warm water and wipe the surfaces down with a lint-free cloth. Rinse your cloth with clean water and wipe down again before taking a dry cloth to dry.

Next comes the keyboard. NOTE: Be sure not to let any liquid (of any kind) drip down into the keyboard. Take your compressed can of air to remove any dust or crumbs in the crevices of the keyboard. Next, use the isopropyl rubbing alcohol to wipe down your keyboard and remove any residue.

Lastly, the vents. If your laptop has large side vents, you’ll most likely find some dust bunnies there. Use your compressed can of air to blow the dust out of the vents. By getting rid of excess dust and debris it will not only make your laptop look much better, but it will run better too.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serve Corona and all surrounding areas.

What to Do when Cleaning Your PC | Corona, CA

Is your computer running a bit slower than usual? Have you been putting off cleaning out your files stored on your desktop? Since February is host to National Clean Out Your Computer Day (February 11th), take some time out and dedicate it to your computer. Before your computer has time to take an unexpected turn for the worse, do yourself a favor and start by cleaning it out today. The following list includes a list of the best practices to keep your computer running at its optimal speed:

Clean your PC. We aren’t talking about the guts of your PC, we mean the outer surfaces. Cleaning your PC’s exterior will not only get rid of food particles, dust and hair that have settled in your keyboard, fan, and other components, it will also allow your computers performance. Before you begin, turn the power off. Clean your keyboard with compressed air and a safe cleaning solution. Wipe down your mouse. Then proceed to use the compressed air to clean your actual computer.

Clean out your PC. This is where you clean the innards of your computer’s brain, because software is just as important as its hardware. Delete all junk, duplicate files and programs that you no longer use. Reorganize those files, folders and don’t forget your desktop. Finally, make sure to check your PC for adware, viruses and other malicious software that may be slowing your system down.

If you aren’t sure how to clean your computer, make sure to consult a professional for additional help. Once your computer is cleaned inside out, enjoy its seamless, quick and quiet performance.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with cleaning your computer at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serve Corona and all surrounding areas.

Managed IT Services: A Business Owner’s Best Friend | Corona, CA

When you have a startup business, you have all the dreams of becoming the most successful you can possibly be. Unfortunately, the chances of you knowing everything about your business is very likely, especially if you have a specific service and/or product you provide. Many times, our biggest stumbling blocks have to do with the technical side of your startup. Namely, your IT services.

We all know that a business is nothing without the internet and computers. And if you know nothing about how to utilize these things, you are basically spinning the wheels of your success. It’s time to consider hiring managed IT services.

There are many benefits to using managed IT services. A managed services contract allows you to quit worrying about your network and also allows you to budget your IT expenses with no costly surprises, something very important to a new business because you decide what your budget is and what services you need. Additionally, there is no need to hire IT staff, a very expensive cost to your budget.

When it comes to your computers and network you want a trained, experienced and certified IT. In house IT’s tend become isolated with no room grow and learn more to gain experience. Managed IT Services monitor your network, servers and computers 24/7/365. Instead of waiting for something to break, routine maintenance is done to keep your system up and running.

As a new business owner, it is important to know how to streamline your expenses without depriving your business of what it truly needs. By hiring an IT service company to manage your needs, you can be sure that you are getting the most bang for your buck.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with managed IT services at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serve Corona and all surrounding areas.


Shop ’til You Drop the Safe Way | Corona, CA

Online Security Protection Internet SafetyThanks to technology people can now shop from the convenience of their homes to local coffee shops using smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices. And with the holiday season already in full swing, many of us are doing so. Not only can online shopping save you time, but it can also save you from encountering crowds of people that can suck your energy and holiday spirit dry. If you choose to do online holiday shopping, make sure that you have all your security measures in place. The holiday season is a time where cyber criminals are still very much at large. The following tips are recommended if you’re doing online holiday shopping this year:

Don’t believe everything you see. One common tactic cyber criminals use is using very low prices on popular items to lure potential victims in.

Use credit, not debit. Use your credit card instead of your debit card. If your credit is used for something that you didn’t purchase, it’s easier to resolve issues with your credit card company than with your bank.

Credit card alerts. Take advantage of your credit card alert features. These alerts can let you know when there’s abnormal activity and is very useful during the busy holiday season.

Choose apps. For safe online shopping through apps you must make sure there are downloaded from a trusted source, such as the Apple Store or Android Market. Be sure to read through the various permissions the app is asking you to grant.

Stay current. Keep your cyber information safe by ensuring that all of your security software is updated. Once an update is available, cyber criminals have all the information they need to attack your device.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with online shopping at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serve Corona and all surrounding areas.

Is It Malware or a Virus? | Corona, CA

headache over computer problems

In a world where it seems everything is getting hacked, it is easy to panic when something goes wrong with your computer equipment. The slightest glitch or stall and we are thinking the worst. And when we think of the worst thing that can happen to this equipment, we will generally think about computer viruses. Yes, the evil computer virus is the original enemy of the typical computer user, and in this day and age, it is impossible to not use some type of computer in our daily lives.

Then you hear about malware and a whole new set of questions and concerns come to mind. Let’s break it down – a virus is just one kind of malware, but the actual term is largely used by the public and the only way to protect yourself is to have some type of an anti-virus. The following are various types of malware designed to infect your computer or mobile device:

Adware. Adware is the least dangerous and most profitable malware. It displays ads on your computer.

Spyware. This software spies on you by tracking your internet activity in order to send adware back to your machine.

Worms. A worm replicates itself and destroys data and files on your computer until the drive is completely empty.

Trojan horse. One of the most dangerous malwares, Trojans are designed to discover your financial information and take over your computer’s system resources.

Ransomware. If you see a screen that warns you that you have been locked out of your computer until you pay for your “cybercrimes”, you have ransomware.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with malware protection at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serve Corona and all surrounding areas.