The Benefits of Computer Networking | Prescott, AZ

Computer networking is essentially a set of computers that are connected to one server so that they can share and exchange data. By using a computer network server it allows for your company to store important files and data in one primary location. There are many advantages of computer networking for your business, the following list includes a few benefits:

  • File Sharing- Your computer files can all be stored centrally, which means multiple employees can work on one file. Storing your computer files in one place will make data backup easier and more reliable.
  • Resource Sharing- Computer networking allows for you and your staff to share printers, scanners, fax modems, internet and even hard drives. For example, you can buy one high speed printer that the whole office can share, which can be very cost effective.
  • Application Sharing- Your business will be able to work together ona single application. For example, you can have accounting software that can be used from different computers at the same time.
  • Security- You have the ability to have certain staff members only access only the resources relevant to their job. You can also have users log in any computer to continue their work if there in a problem with their work station.

It’s time to step out of the dark ages of technology and step into the future of networking. For a free quote to have a network installed in your office contact Up and Running Computer Solutions at 951-737-8558. Visit our website at

Understanding The Cloud | Prescott, AZ

“The Cloud” comes with a generally faint understanding by most people. It is this elusive idea that your information is stored somewhere “out there”. Its interesting to consider that such a unique and well-marketed concept is generally misunderstood by it’s users and potential users.  Here are the things you should understand about the cloud and how best to utilize it.

The cloud is a cute way to describe the way your data is stored. Rather than being held within your computer’s internal hardware, its accessed over the internet. Data centers around the world, not your computer’s storage, hold the information of cloud users.

It’s natural to wonder if that is safe, effective and why we would ever stray from knowing exactly where our files are stored? The goal of this system is to make access to these files stable and easy for the user. Once imported to the cloud, your files are encrypted and monitored against security threats. It’s effective because it ensures that a copy of your files are retained even if your computer crashes or internal microchips burn out.

Many people who use modern, mainstream technology know that Apple utilizes the cloud to send the photos you take on one device are automatically transferred to another. File sharing is one of the top three reasons to utilize the cloud; file sharing, file storage and backups.

According to Business Insider, benefits of the cloud include “slashed IT costs, more flexibility, increased efficiency, improved security, boosted performance, and the potential for innovation…”

While there are benefits, and many people across the world utilize the cloud for their files, it is important to note its not foolproof. Cloud services ring the bells of opportunity for hackers. Savvy hackers can gain codes that allow access to these files, even if they don’t know your passwords. Yet, they could do this to your personal device as well, should they be inclined to try. So- the real thing to consider about the cloud is ‘will it make me feel better to have this backup system’, and ‘is it providing me with technological benefits?’

The answer for many users is “yes.”

Interested in learning more about how to incorporate the cloud into your everyday? Visit us online at or call us at 951.737.8558 today!

What Are the Most Common Computer Network Issues? | Corona, CA

When the time comes for your company to grow, you will need to invest in a computer networking system. This way, everyone can connect to the same files and communicate at optimum levels. Unfortunately, it isn’t the easiest thing to get this system up and running. A network is a complex with loads of moving pieces. And because so many components make your business run smoothly, these issues need to be remedied as soon as possible. Here are some of the more common issues you may face. Getting familiar with clues to watch out for will help get everything back up quickly and efficiently…

Slow connection. Is there anything worse? Many times, files are the culprit in these instances. Limit the file size to less than 20mb. If your network cards are faulty, this will slow down things, so make sure you become familiar with this option as well.

IP conflicts. As a general rule of thumb, each PC should have their own IP address. If duplication happens, try restarting the router.

Printer issues. When lots of computers use the same printer, there may be a time where the printer won’t allow a PC to connect. Check the firewall settings and network adaptors.

Bad cables. Let’s face it. Cables get messed up over time. Connections get loose or damaged, and this could cause issues within the network. Make sure to schedule maintenance for all of your wiring and cables as well as the PCs themselves.

Wifi signal issues. Weak wifi signals can definitely drag production. It could be the layout of the office or something blocking your signal. If that isn’t the issue, make sure your firmware is up to date.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Corona and all surrounding areas.