Unless you’re a computer repair technician, chances are you’ve probably been a victim to some computer repair myths at some point in your life. There are many silly myths and misconceptions when it comes to computer repair. If you’re searching to have some computer repairs myths busted, you have come to the right place. Read on to see if you’ve fallen for some of the common computer repair myths.
Myth #1) My computer technician can fix some problems I’m having with a website.
- This is an all too common computer related myth. Computer technicians can’t usually fix problems with websites because the site itself is on a server, which is a computer built to run web pages and share content located in other places. Only the people who run the site can access the files and the computer which host the website. A technician may be able to tell you why you’re having problems with it or maybe be able to tweak some setting for some small issues, but aside from that, they won’t be able to do much more.
Myth #2) I would know if my computer was infected with a virus, spyware or other malware.
- Sometimes you may know, but not all malware is obvious. Malicious software is typically designed to run quietly in the background so it can log the keys you press, website you visit, and attempt to steal data and passwords, sending them back to the culprit/hacker. There are also other viruses that can turn your computer into a spamming device without your knowledge.
Myth #3) I can purchase a computer for less than $500, so it’s cheaper to replace my computer than repair it.
- Computers that you can buy for $500 or less are typically very low-end, cheaply made machines. They’re usually equipped with low-grade processors, little RAM, small and slow hard drive, and are cheaply built. An older computer, 5 years or less, can often be repaired and/or upgraded for a rather cheap price.
Myth #4) I need to be a computer technician to repair every problem I have with my computer.
- There are many things that you can do before you have to take your computer to a computer repair technician. You just need to know what you’re doing, which is why there are many websites with tutorials and tips about computer repair. Many computer repairs are simple and require little to no technical knowledge.
There are times when you may need an expert to repair your computer, and others you may not. Some of the silly myths and misconceptions regarding computer repair may have you thinking the worst, when in all reality, there are some things you can do to repair your machine from home.
If you are having trouble with your computer, contact Up and Running Computer Solutions in Corona, CA 951-737-8558 today. Or visit www.urcs.net for information regarding computer repair.
Up and Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Corona, Riverside, Anaheim, Irvine, Newport Beach, Tustin and all surrounding areas.