What To Know About Computer Security | Prescott, AZ

The security of our personal computers seems to feel like a bit of a grey area. We want our important files backed up and IP addresses untraceable. Yet, the more we encrypt our computers, the more appealing they become to the everyday hacker.

Cyber security for the everyday computer user doesn’t have to be complicated, here are some tips from our experts:

Change and Secure Passwords – Storing passwords within an encrypted space via a reputable online manager is the best way to keep them. Changing passwords at least four times a year will go a long way in keeping your data secure.

Don’t Overly Secure – There are certain installations such as firewall and a password manager that go a long way in keeping your computer safe from hackers and viruses. Making your personal computer too secure however, makes it attractive to hackers to uncover.

Two Factor Authentication – We understand that two-factor authentication is annoying, but it’s an important security measure. It ensures real people are trying to access your website or email, not a virus.

Unsure of how to make your personal computer secure? Visit us online at urns.net or call us at 951.737.8558 today!

A Guide to Passwords | Prescott, AZ

Creating and re-creating every password for every website we regularly interact with seems like a monumental and tedious task. The everyday person doesn’t want to add “change passwords” to their to-do list when the dangers of hacking seem far from them. Unfortunately once a hack into your files occurs, things can move fast, potentially resulting in a loss of your identity.

Here are some things to know about passwords:

Complexity – We hear all the time that this is the most difficult part of password creation. A mix of letters, symbols and capitols all mixed together in 18 characters. Yet, when it comes to your security, it matters. Long, random combinations help keep hackers at bay.

No Similarities – Please never use personal information such as important numbers, birthdays or names In your passwords. It’s easy for hackers to find this information out, and attempt to break into your accounts that way.

New Platform, Different Password – It’s good practice to not repeat passwords across multiple websites, as it tips hackers off to patterns.

Switch them Out – Yes, you should switch out your passwords. Ideally, once a quarter, or four times a year.

It’s important to keep these tips in mind so you don’t become a target for online hacking. In today’s world anything is possible online.

If you are worried you won’t be able to remember all these passwords, you aren’t alone. There are several password manager options that encrypt your passwords from hackers while keeping them all in one place.

If you want to learn more about password security or advice on the creation of strong passwords, visit us online at urns.net or call us at 951.737.8558 today!